Friday, May 19th, at Learning Friday Dario Santilli talked about “Big Data for Dummies”, providing us theoretical basis for approaching the theme. What does Big Data mean? Do we really know the meaning of this word? We started from here, from the explanation of the term now entered in the common language. We are talking […]

A key requirement, for every sector and business dimension, is know how to work together. But not everyone has this capability and for that, on Friday, May 12, Paola and Adriana have drafted and conducted an Interactive Learning Friday on “Team Building”. Literally “building a group”, the term indicates activities aimed at developing people, involved […]
Different Friday

Do you want to learn English? Why do you want to learn it? How do you expect you to succeed? This was the focus of Friday’s reunion on May 5th in K2 for the New Different Friday: find out if people are really interested in learning and if they are moved by the right incentives. […]
LEARNING FRIDAY: “Comics, theory and practice”

“You learn how to make circles!” With these words Fabrizio Berrone’s debut began during the 5th Learning Friday in K2, the theme this time is “Comics: theory and practice.” Lesson started in medias res, without preambles, you immediately went to action. Fabrizio has told us that the strips are nothing more than a series of […]
LEARNING FRIDAY: User Experience
This Friday we also concluded our week with Learning Friday. For this 4th meeting Luca Gallina talked about “User Experience”. “User experience includes all aspects of interaction between the end user and the company, its services and its products”: it is with this definition of Donald Norman (1st User Experience Architect) and Jakob Nielsen that […]
Key2 and BIG DATA to La Sapienza

April, 22th, 2017 La Sapienza University – Rome. On the 2nd level Master in “BIG DATA. Statistical methods for the knowledge society”, Key2 intervened to tell and leave their testimony on the work carried out in Big Data. Why be interested in Big Data? According to economist Hal Ronald Varian because it’s “the sexiest profession of […]
LEARNING FRIDAY: Conflict management in working groups
There’s something about Learning Friday! Perhaps for the very interesting topic or for the teacher, Friday was a great success: Adriana Biase spoke of “Conflict management in working groups.” We started from the question “The conflict is positive or negative?” it was established an interactive presentation that involved participants and stimulated interventions and reflections. Adriana started explaining […]
On time came the second round of the Learning Friday. Teacher for a day was Mirko Maranzano who introduced us to the wonderful world of “Game Design”. What is the game? In literature there are several definitions, Greg Costikyan defines the game, “an interactive structure of endogenous meaning, which requires players to make an effort […]

Friday, March 31 in Key2 started the Learning Friday project. This initiative is designed to create a moment of aggregation and, above all, sharing their experiences, knowledge and passions. Participants will explain an argument one for week, which is inherent to their workplace or whether it’s a hobby, it’s enough just to participate: the purpose […]
Inaugurated the new headquarters of K2

It was inaugurated the new headquarters of K2 with the presidium of the Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti. PRESS: Milano Finanza La Stampa agi.it Abruzzo web Corriere Comunicazioni Classe editori Avvenire Libero Nati per lavorare web digital NEWSPAPER Rassegna stampa